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At the international workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security IH&MMSec 2024, Lea Uhlenbrock, Davide Cozzolino, Denise Moussa, Luisa Verdoliva, and Christian Riess received the Best Paper Award for their paper “Did You Note My Palette? Unveiling Synthetic Images Through Color Statis...

Category: News

Once again this year, the LHFT was able to secure numerous prizes at the International Microwave Symposium (IMS) Student Design Competition. Nicole Zocher and André Scheder took first place in the "Tunable Impedance Matching Network" competition. Second place went to Tobias Kögel and André S...

Category: News

As part of the Nuremberg DIGITAL FESTIVAL 2024, ESI member Prof. Felix Freiling will once again go on an excursion to the dark and less dark sides of the so-called darknet. The event will take place on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 6 pm in the Senate Hall of the FAU's Kollegienhaus. Registration via the N...

Category: General, News